ここでは生命の基本システムに関する遺伝子や遺伝暗号、タンパク質および 生命の起源に関するもののみ記載しています。
- 「GADV仮説 -生命起源を問い直す-」 京都大学学術出版会、池原健二 著 2006年4月出版.
- 「自然学 -自然の「共生循環」を考える-」 東海大学出版会 藤原 昇、池原健二、磯部ゆう (共著) 2004年11月出版.
- 池 原健二「生命の起源に関するGADV仮説―GNC原初遺伝暗号とグループ・コーディング―」 ダイナミックスからみた生命的システムの進化と意義 Vol. 高等研報告書0820、pp. 219-225 (2008年11月発行)「進化ダイナミックス」研究会: 出版(財)国際高等研究所 学術情報部
- 特集:生命の起源に迫る「GADV仮 説から見えた生命誕生への新たなシナリオ」 池原健二、Biophilia(ビオフィリア 10)夏号、Vol.3, No.2, pp. 16-21, (2007年6月10日出版、[発行] 株式会社アドスリー:[発売] 丸善株式会社).
- 「生命の起源は解明できるか」池原健二、日本の科学者(「本の泉」社:日本科学者会議) 特集「科学に突つけられた4つの難問」の中で、平成19年1月号、第42巻、第1号、10-15(2007).
- 「生命はタンパク質の擬似複製から生まれた」池原健二、現代思想(青土社) 平成18年2月号、第34巻、第2号、134-149(2006).
- 「新しい「生命の起源」の提案—生命はタンパク質から生まれた!?—[GADV]- タンパク質ワールド仮説」池原健二,化学(化学同人) Vol. 56, 14-19 (2000).
- Under What kind of Life System could Space life emerge? K. Ikehara, In“MODEL ECOSYSTEM IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS” Volume 2, Edited by J. Seckbach, P. H. Rampelotto (Volume Editor) in the series entitled ASTROBIOLOGY: EXPLORING LIFE ON EARTH AND BEYOND edoted by P. H. Rampelotto, J. Seckbach and R. Gordon (the “Series Editor”) Elsevier Inc. (2019).
- The Origin of tRNA deduced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5’ Anticodon-stem Sequence -Anticodon-stem loop hypothesis-. Ikehara, K. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 49, 61-75, DOI: 10.1007/s11084-019-09573-w (2019).
- Life emerged as the “protein/metabolism-first” theory expects. Ikehara, K. Preprints (Basel), DOI: 10.20944/preprints201811.0620.v1 (2018).
- Possible Application of Entirely New Gene/Protein to Clinical Research. Ikehara, K. Clinical Research and Trials, Volume 4(2): 1-3, DOI: 10.15761/CRT.1000212 (2018).
- Direct Evidence for GC-NSF(a) Hypothesis on Creation of Entirely New Gene/Protein. Oi R. and Ikehara K. Curr. Proteom., 3: 13-23 (2018).
- GADV-protein: An alternative to RNA in the origin of life. Ikehara, K. Preprints (Basel), (Life emerged from [GADV]-protein world, but not from RNA world!?), DOI: 10.20944/preprints201712.0170.v1 (2017).
- Degeneracy of the genetic code has played an important role in evolution of organisms. Ikehara K. SOJ Genet Sci; 3: 1-3 (2016).
- Evolutionary Steps in the Emergence of Life Deduced from the Bottom-Up Approach and GADV Hypothesis (Top-Down Approach). Ikehara, K. Life (Basel), 6, 6 (2016).
- [GADV]-Protein World Hypothesis on the Origin of Life, Kenji Ikehara, Orig Life Evol Biosph, DOI 10.1007/s11084-014-9383-4 (2015); (This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com; Paper presented at the conference Open Questions on the Origin of Life, July 12–13, 2014, International Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), Kizugawa, Kyoto, Japan)
- Protein Ordered Sequences are Formed by Random Joining of Amino Acids in Protein 0th-Order Structure, Followed by Evolutionary Process, Kenji Ikehara, Orig Life Evol Biosph, DOI 10.1007/s11084-014-9383-3 (2015); (This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com; Paper presented at the conference Open Questions on the Origin of Life, July 12–13, 2014, International Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), Kizugawa, Kyoto, Japan)
- [GADV]-Protein World Hypothesis on the Origin of Life. Kenji Ikehara,“Genesis: In the Beginning: Precursors of Life, Chemical Models and Early Biological Evolution”. Seckbach, J. (ed.), Springer, 107-122 (2012).
- Kenji Ikehara, “Origin of the Genetic Code and Genetic Disorders”(“Advances in the Study of Genetic Disorders”, K. Ikehara, Ed.) InTech-Open Access Publisher (November, 2011)
- Pseudo-replication of [GADV]-proteins and Origin of Life, Kenji Ikehara, Int. J. Mol. Sci., (International Journal of Molecular Sciences) Vol. 10, No. 4, 1525-1537 (2009)
- Kenji Ikehara, GNC-SNS Hypothesis of the Origin and Evolution of the Genetic Code. As a Chapter 4.06 in “Proncipia Bi®o-informatica” by J.C.Biro (2009).
- Origin and Evolutionary Process of the Genetic Code. Kenji Ikehara and Yuka Niihara, Current Medicinal Chemistry (CMC) Vol. 14, No. 30, 3221-3231 (2007).
- Catalytic Activities of [GADV]-Peptides: Formation and establishment of [GADV]-protein world for the emergence of life. Takae Oba, Jun Fukushima, Masako Maruyama, Ryoko Iwamoto and Kenji Ikehara, Olig. Life Evol. Biosph., Vol. 35, No. 5, 447-460 (2005).
- Possible Steps to the Emergence of Life: The [GADV]-Protein World Hypothesis. Kenji Ikehara, The Chemical Record, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 107-118 (2005).
- A Novel Theory on the Origin of the Genetic Code: A GNC-SNS Hypothesis. Kenji Ikehara, Yoko Omori, Rieko Arai and Akiko Hirose, J. Mol. Evol., Vol. 54, 530-538 (2002).
- Origins of Gene, Genetic Code, Protein and Life: comprehensive view of life systems from a GNC-SNS primitive genetic code hypothesis (a modified English version of the paper appeared in Viva Origino, Vol. 29, 66-85 (2001)) Kenji Ikehara, J. Biosci., Vol. 27, 165-186 (2002).
- A Possible Origin of Newly-Born Bacterial Genes: Significance of GC-rich nonstop frame on antisense strand. Kenji Ikehara, Fumiko Amada, Shigeko Yoshida, Yuji Mikata and Akira Tanaka, Nucl. Acids Res., Vol. 24, 4249-4255 (1996).
- Unusually Biased Nucleotide Sequences on Sense Strands of Flavobacterium sp. Genes Produce Nonstop Frames on the Corresponding Antisense Strands. Kenji Ikehara, and Eriko Okazawa, Nucleic Acids Res., Vol. 21, No. 9, 2193-2199 (1993).
- 生命はどのようにして生まれたか?‐GADV仮説と他の生命の起源仮説‐、池原健二、奈良佐保短期大学研究紀要、第20号、1-11(2013)
- タンパク質の0次構造と生命の起原(Protein 0th-order Structures and the Origin of Life)池原健二、Viva Origino, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Sep.), 47-51 (2009).
- 生 命の起原と遺伝暗号の成立 -単純な暗号から複雑な暗号へ- “ESTABLISHMENT OF GNC CODE LEADING TO THE EMERGENCE OF LIFE) -From simple genetic code to more complex code-” 池原健二、Viva Origino, Vol. 35, No. 4, 104-109 (2007).
- Mechanism for Creation of “Original Ancestor Genes”. Kenji Ikehara, J. Biol. Macromol., Vol. 5, No. 2, 21-30 (2005).
- Simulation of Gene Evolution (evidence for GC-NSF(a) hypothesis on the origin of genes). Kenji Ikehara, Viva Origino Vol. 31, No. 3, 201-214 (2003).
- 「遺伝子、遺伝暗号、蛋白質および生命の起原」(GNC-SNS原始遺伝暗号仮説から見た生命の基本システム) 池原健二、Viva Origino, Vol. 29, 66-85 (2001).
- 「生命の起源についてのRNAワールド仮説は正しいか?(生命は蛋白質ワールドから生まれた!)」池原健二、生物科学, Vol. 51, 43-53 (1999).
- A Possible Evolutionary Pathway of the Genetic Code deduced from the SNS Hypothesis. K. Ikehara, Viva Origino, Vol. 26, No. 4, 311-320 (1998).
- 「遺伝暗号の起源と進化(新説SNS仮説に基づいて)」池原健二、生物科学, Vol. 50, 44-54 (1998).
- SNS Hypothesis on the Origin of the Genetic Code. K. Ikehara, and S. Yoshida, Viva Origino, Vol. 26, No. 4, 301-310 (1998).